Forget everything you know about product management. It is now possible to make this seemingly hard and complicated subject simpler and enjoyable with AKINSOFT e-commerce systems.
DETAILSIt is a very painful process to run an e-commerce business in such a competitive environment. But with the promotion management systems, you can reel in visitors and make them tempting offers to choose you.
DETAILSOrder Management System helps you monitor the orders placed by the customers easily and in detail so that you can keep all the processes under control until the order is delivered.
DETAILSYet another important topic in today's technology is the connection between e-commerce systems and social media. AKINSOFT e-commerce helping you carry out an efficient dealer and customer management, provides you with many different advantages for this.
DETAILSUsing the e-commerce system alone may not be enough for big businesses. In such cases, the importance of integrating with accounting programs becomes. You can overcome any deficiency by using your AKINSOFT e-commerce system integrated with WOLVOX ERP, OctoCloud and other commercial programs.
DETAILSNowadays everything within the technology field has become mobile responsive. AKINSOFT e-commerce system also offers optional Mobile Application (Android - IOS) module.
DETAILSOne of the most important elements making an e-commerce system attractive is to be trustworthy in visual aspect. Adjustments according to your preferences are possible with AKINSOFT e-commerce system.
DETAILSSEO is the secret hero for highlighting the e-commerce websites among the competitors. AKINSOFT e-commerce provides you with the required infrastructure for it.
DETAILSFor all the payment methods your business may require, AKINSOFT New Generation e-commerce is ready to meet your needs.